You became a photographer because the thought of using your camera to capture special moments for people seems like the perfect career! But unless you can get people to pay you for your work, you’ll have nothing more than a hobby!!!
In order to have a profitable long-term career in photography, you must first build a strong pricing foundation. Too many times photographers will create their price list by simply looking at what their competitors' prices are. Yet the cost of doing business is different for every photographer.
To truly price your products and services appropriately you must first figure out your cost of doing business.
Use this worksheet & calculator to figure out yours. Start with this worksheet. Estimating these calculations may take you a bit when you're just starting out. Download and print so you can add in totals as you discover them. Once complete use the CODB calculator to learn your total CODB.
Remember: the more research you do to obtain real numbers the more accurate your CODB will be!